Greetings Bare Bar Community,
If you have been a customer of ours for some time now, you will have known we have been painstakingly developing our Natural Deodorant range for around 2 years now. It is not because we have been lazy, it is because we genuinely want ALL of our products to be the best on the market, and to ensure we stick to our morals as a company when it comes to the use of plastic.
We in fact developed our first prototype deodorant recipe well over a year ago, but it is the 100% plastic free packaging aspect that has taken us so long to develop, but we stuck with it, and we can now finally share with you this awesome product.
Have you used Natural Deodorant before?
Making the switch to Natural Deodorant, or switching up deodorants in general can be a little nerve wracking, especially if you are happy with your current Deo's performance. Switching to Natural Deo isn't without its challenges, especially if you have been using main stream anti-perspirants for example.
Years of anti-perspirant (abuse) can often mean the pours in your pits are clogged & blocked so not to produce sweat. Using Natural Deodorant for the first time will mean your pits may need to detox, this detox period can take days up to a couple of weeks, where your pits will sweat and eject nasty chemicals & clogged up bacteria that has been building up, but trust us it's worth the wait...
Changing the environment of your pits
Bare Bar™ Natural Deodorant will get to work right away, to help create a healthy natural arm pit environment. Once your detox period is over, your sweat glands will start to work naturally how they should, let's not forget sweating is a natural bodily process that should be tolerated and embraced. We use natural ingredients such as Arrowroot Powder, which will help absorb excess sweat and maintain a healthy balance.
We are Odour Eliminating
Any sweat you do produce will be Odour Free using our Natural Deodorant. We're extremely forward thinking here at Bare Bar, and we use one of the most revolutionary natural ingredients to eliminate odour, and that is Zinc Ricinoleate. This amazing ingredient, that is derived from Caster Oil, encapsulates odour producing bacteria (not mask it), almost like a natural Febreze for your pits. We tested this rigorously, going to the Gym in the morning, Working, Playing Football at night, not showering before going to bed then waking up the next day for the 'sniff test', our pits were Odour Free EVERY time. Well over 24 hours protection.
We're glad we can get back to showering! With Bare Bar Natural Soap of course!
How long will the scent last?
As many of you will know we use Natural Essential Oils to scent our products here at Bare Bar, and the same goes with our Deo. We consider the 'scent strength' to be high with our Deo range initially, but it certainly won't be overpowering, how long the scent lasts in your pits can vary from person to person, and depending on which Essential Oils we have used.
Fresh Cut Pine & Woodsman use quite strong E/O's such as Patchouli & Cinnamon, these can easily last all day, so you get your favourite scent when you smell your pit. Spring Mountain Deo, although strong to begin with, will likely fade a little quicker than the aforementioned scents, but do not worry, your pits will still be protected to eliminate unwanted odour. Using Natural Essential Oils, does mean scents fade faster than man made fragrances, but hopefully you appreciate amazing healthy, odourless pits, than an overpowering fragrance.
What size is Bare Bar ™ Deodorant?
Our Natural Deo is on average 65g, meaning you get great value when you compare our weights & prices to other companies. Not only that, but you get to use 100% of the product you purchase, unlike other companies that use plastic twist up containers, which you can't access 15-20% of the product due to it being set in the twist up mechanism.
Our customers should get between 6-8 weeks of use, when used daily, and sometimes even more depending on your application style.
'Stick' with it & enjoy awesome pits
Much like our other products, we guarantee they will improve the health of your pits, and therefore your self care routine. With the use of nourishing ingredients such as Babassu Oil & Vitamin E, it's the perfect health food for excellent underarm skin, to help fight irritation, skin acne & flush out any nasties from the use of regular deodorant.
We know this product will become your new go-to brand of Natural Deodorant, and we're excited to share your journey to healthier, better smelling pits!